Cleaning indoor air contributes to health and cognition

Indoor air quality has only recently become the focus of widespread research, dueto COVID-19 spread concerns in the working environment. The field lies on the intersection of architecture, engineering, environmental exposure assessment, and health outcomes. At Harvard University, Joseph Allen examine how indoor air quality affects human health and cognition. He suggests that struggled to […]


Welfare effects of air pollution

Lack of economic justification of the environmental protection often leads to delays and inaction. For this reason, environmental economists undertake cost-benefit analyzes, struggling to capture the broadest possible spectrum of related effects on both sides. These analyses include the so-called non-market goods, i.e. goods that one cannot buy. Examples of non-market goods include length and […]


Report from the field of study

Lifting some of the restrictions related to the epidemic made it possible to launch VAPE laboratory studies. In the Virtual Reality and Psychophysiology LAB (Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences), we started testing the next version of the multisensory virtual environment. This time we dealt with abstract and specific visual representations of […]


VAPE on Friday: Sources of air pollution problem in Poland

“We burn bad things, in the wrong way, in old stoves” – this could be the shortest summary of air pollution sources in Poland. According to the data of the European Environment Agency, presented by prof. Katarzyna Juda Rezler, air quality in Poland is the worst in Europe in terms of PM10, PM2.5, B(a)P concentration. […]


‘eco-‘pea coal?

Is eco-pea coal really eco-friendly? The colours of the packaging and the friendly name ‘eco-pea’ seem to suggest that it is a green alternative to burning coal. However, a completely different picture emerges from the research…


VAPE on Friday: citizen engagement

Engaging citizens in co-creating healthier cities. The balance between culture and health in Norwegian wood-burning practices. Household heating contribution to air pollution is also a concern in Norway, where wood-burning practices contribute to a large amount of small particles (PM2.5) in the air during winter months. Wood burning is crucial to Norwegian culture, but poor […]


Vape on Friday: pre and post

This is how a smog-free world looks like This a a world covered with smog That is a smog-free environment In the VAPE project, we experiment withaugmented reality to find out how the multisensory experience of air pollution influences behavior. The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic created a natural experiment conditions for scientists. After restrictions […]


VAPE on Friday: The Science Picnic

We would like to invite you to a virtual meeting with Dr. Grzegorz Pochwatko and Dr. Justyna Świdrak, who represent our project. The event will take place on Sunday at 14:30 on the virtual reality platform, AltspaceVR. They will talk about our project and discuss mental health in the context of climate change. Among the […]


VAPE on Friday

Despite the pandemic, we are working hard on our VR application for multisensory representation of air pollution. More details coming soon, but for now, we’re cheering on the residents of Stryszow, Podkarpacie, who were able to experience air pollution in their neighborhood with their own eyes. Check it out!


VAPE on Friday

The air quality directive requires each country to have systems for informing the public about the air quality where they live. This information is provided by instruments in the monitoring stations which measure the pollutants of interest continuously 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Every hour, data on pollutant types and levels are […]