We would like to invite you to a virtual meeting with Dr. Grzegorz Pochwatko and Dr. Justyna Świdrak, who represent our project. The event will take place on Sunday at 14:30 on the virtual reality platform, AltspaceVR. They will talk about our project and discuss mental health in the context of climate change.

Among the issues raised will be:

  • if (or when) insects will become a normal ingredient in our daily diet?
  • how to live and cope with difficult emotions in a time of accelerating climate change?
  • how do we use modern technology to study environmental behaviour?

You can enter the environment using VR goggles or a computer. We encourage you to take photos with the map of Myszków in the background – the best photos will be posted on our Facebook profile! Just before 14:30 you will also find there the code to enter our space in AltspaceVR.

Join us, it will be fun!
