Institute of Psychology,
Polish Academy of Sciences

Monika Domańska-Dudka

After many years of work in an international corporation, Monika decided to open up to new experiences and joined the administration team of IP PAN in September 2020. At VAPE, she provides administrative support for the project. She is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, specialising in risk management, quality management and internal control. She likes challenges, space and yoga, in her free time she reads crime stories and watches Sci-Fi films.

Agata Feledyn

Agata is a junior neuroscientist fascinated by the mechanisms underlying temporal perception and the self. Her interest in virtual reality comes from VR’s potential to exceed reality and challenge our understanding of cognitive processes that make up a conscious experience. Agata graduated with a BSc in Neuroscience from University College London, where she investigated inference of absence in her thesis. In VAPE, she works to analyse physiological and neuroimaging data in order to understand cognitive processes facilitating learning of environmental behaviours. Apart from neuroscience, she enjoys surfing, skateboarding, electronic music, and art.

Zbigniew Jędrzejewski

3D artist and researcher at the Polish Academy of Science. Graduate of Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy at the University of Glasgow. Zbigniew is an artist passionate about science and academia. In VAPE project he is responsible for design and creation of a 3D environment and VR experience together with visual effects presenting air pollution levels. His other works include 3D scanning, medical illustration, architectural visualisation. In his spare time, he creates paintings and illustrations.

Grzegorz Pochwatko,
Principle Investigator

Grzegorz is a psychologist, researcher, and academic teacher. He founded and manages the Laboratory of Virtual Reality and Psychophysiology at the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology. Has experience in managing research and development projects. For years, he has also been involved in the popularization of science. His research interests focus on the behavior of virtual reality users. In particular, he deals with interactions between avatars, humanoid virtual agents, and robots. He works on the issue of co-presence in traditional virtual environments and in cinematic VR. One of the recent projects concerns the impact of VR movie on interest in local history, place attachment and civic engagement. Grzegorz has experience in both managing research projects and cooperating on projects with other participants and institutions. This also applies to cooperation with non-governmental organizations and local authorities. Scientific cooperation was often interdisciplinary. He worked together with representatives of technical sciences and fine arts.

Justyna Świdrak

Justyna is a social psychologist passionate about immersive virtual reality. Her doctoral thesis, defended in 2018 at the IPPAS, was dedicated to the virtual Midas touch effect. She joined Experimental Virtual Environments for Neuroscience and Technology at the University of Barcelona in 2016, where she works currently on pain and embodiment research under the supervision of prof. Slater and prof. Sanchez-Vives. In VAPE, her work concentrates on multisensory air pollution perception and on the psychological factors enabling a change in polluting behaviours. In her free time, she engages in actions and workshops organised by Extinction Rebellion Barcelona. Her hobbies include cycling, origami, VR gaming, and electronic music.

NILU - Norwegian Institute
for Air Research

Nuria Castell

Nuria holds a position as senior research scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU). Since 2000 she has been working in the area of air pollution monitoring and modelling at urban and regional scales. Her current research focuses in the exploitation of novel monitoring technologies, quality assessment and calibration of low-cost sensors, and the use of low-cost sensor data for high-resolution air quality mapping and personalized information. She is passionate about engaging citizens in scientific activities and she is exploring new ways of using citizen science to both monitor the environment and increase environmental action. In VAPE, she will be working on the analysis of the data from the dense PM sensor networks and multi-stakeholder engagement. Projects she has been working with low-cost sensors and citizen science are iFLINK (leader), NordicPATH (leader), CrowdAir, GIRECON-CITY, Citi-Sense-MOB (scientific leader), CITI-SENSE (case study leader) and CleanAir (leader).

Matthias Vogt

Matthias Vogt is a scientist in the Urban Environment and Industry Department at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research. He holds degrees in Economics (2007) and Chemistry (2006) from Marburg, Germany, and a PhD in Atmospheric Physics (2011) from Stockholm University entitled “Traffic emissions of aerosols”. In VAPE, his work concentrates on measurements and quantification of particulate matter emissions from residential heating. When he is not exhausted from his babies at home, he spends the time in the river fishing or in the forest mushroom picking.

Polish-Japanese Academy
of Information Technology

Wiesław Kopeć

Wiesław Kopeć is a member of an international interdisciplinary social informatics research team focused on ICT technologies dedicated to older adults. He combines high-level IT and business experience with rich academic background. He worked in advanced network teams and on large scale computer science projects at Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw and did extensive research on participatory methods and techniques of empirical software engineering at Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. Recently his interests extend to social aspects of applying modern information technologies with a special focus on human factors in software engineering, human-computer interaction, and computer-supported cooperative work.

Faculty of Economic Sciences,
University of Warsaw

Katarzyna Zagórska, Researcher

Katarzyna is a Ph.D. candidate at the Chair of Microeconomics, University of Warsaw. Katarzyna is devoted to research in the domain of behavioural and applied economics. She is interested in motivations, incentives and provision of information that promote desirable behaviour change.
Since 2014 she has been working in projects examining individual decision making towards pubic goods. She leads the NCN grant on causal relation between communication of social norms and consumers’ environmental choices.
Her research concerns preferences for public goods and policies using experimental methods. Her experience concentrates in preference elicitation, non-market valuation and cost-benefit analysis. Her experience can help in revealing public preferences for and welfare consequences of various solutions to social challenges. She is now excited about research on when, why, and how people avoid/seek information about such challenges.